With its dynamic and competent human resources, extensive service network, technological infrastructure, strong customer base, innovative products and services, developed risk management approach, superior corporate governance level and successful results, İş Leasing is positioned among the leading companies of its sector.
TL Million 2015 2014 Change (%)
TOTAL ASSETS 5.580.838 4.580.422 21.8
FACTORING RECEIVABLES 1.951.274 1.433.210 36.1
LEASING RECEIVABLES, NET 3.287.101 2.841.040 15.7
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 738.408 666.819 10.7
NET PROFIT / LOSS 82.003 78.486 4.5
Return on Assets (ROA) % 1,6 1,9
Return on Equity (ROE) % 11,7 12,4
Debt to Equity 6,6 5,9
Cost / Revenue (%) 37 44