About Leasing

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- Electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, electric transformers and static converters
GTIP NO 85.01 / 85.02 / 85.04 samples:
- Miniature electric motors (ac/dc) for toys
- Motors (ac/dc) and generators for aircrafts
- Electric motors
- Generators 750w <power
- Motors and generators for civil aircrafts
- Traction motors
- Aircraft power generating sets diesel/semi-diesel
- Other power generating sets diesel/semi-diesel
- Generating sets with spark-ignition piston engines for aircrafts
- Inductors for aircrafts (whether or not connected with a capacitor)
- Inductors (whether or not connected with a capacitor)
- Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes for aircrafts
- Liquid dielectric transformers
- Voltage measurement transformers
- Transformers for toys
- Ferrite core transformers
- Starter engine
- Uninterrupted power supplies
- Stable power supplies
- Static convertors for aircrafts
- Rectifiers
For more information: (212) 350 74 00
- Mining machinery and equipment
GTIP NO 84.74 samples:
- Mining ore sorting, screening, separating or washing machines
- Stone crushers
- For mineral materials used in ceramics industry
- Concrete or mortar mixers
- Machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen
- Machines for mixing mineral materials used in ceramics industry
- Machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding ceramic paste
- Machines for forming foundry moulds of sand (coremaking machine)
- Machinery and equipment for making tiles and bricks or briquette
- Machinery and equipment for making concrete blocks
Machinery and equipment for other stone, soil, metal ore, etc.
- Machinery and apparatus for soldering or welding
GTIP NO 84.68 samples:
- Hand-held blow pipes
- Gas operated welders for thermoplastic materials
- Other gas-operated machinery & apparatus
- Textile dyeing dressing finishing machinery and apparatus
GTIP NO 84.51 samples:
- Dry-cleaning Machines
- Household type driers-dry linen cap.
- Other driers-dry linen cap.
- Electric ironing machines-power
- Electric presses-power
- Electric ironing machines-power>2500w
- Electric presses-power>2500w
- Nonelectric presses
- Nonelectric ironing machines
- Industrial washing machines
- Bleaching machines
- Dyeing machines
- Machines for reeling textile fabrics
- Machines for pinking textile fabrics
- Machines for unreeling, folding, cutting textile fabrics
- Machines used in the manufacture of linoleum for applying the paste to textile fabrics etc.
- Machines for dressing or finishing
- Other machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics
- Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables
GTIP NO 84.37 samples:
- Machines and apparatus for cleaning and sorting of seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables
- Machines and apparatus for graining and processing grains
- Machines and apparatus for graining and processing dried leguminous vegetables
- Other graining machines and apparatus-excluding ones in milling
- Roller balls
- Machinery and equipment used in garden and land agriculture, foresting, poultry raising or beekeeping
GTIP NO 84.36 samples:
- Machinery for preparing animal feedstuffs
- Poultry incubators and brooders
- Automated equipment for chicken feeding
- Mechanic assembly machinery and equipment for inspecting eggs
- Machinery and equipment used in chicken feathering
- Other Machinery and equipment used in poultry raising
- Machinery and equipment used in forestry
- Milking machines and machines used in milking – Presses used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beveragesr
GTIP NO 84.34 / 84.35 samples:
- Milking machines
- Milking machines and equipment used in butter making excluding cream separators
- Milking machines and equipment used in cheese making
- Parts and components of machines and equipment used in milking
- Grape presses
- Fruit juice presses
- Other machines and equipment used in wines, fruit juices, etc.
- Machinery and equipment used in harvesting and blending of agricultural crops, grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce
GTIP NO 84.33 samples:
- Electric powered mowers and moving equipment with horizontal cutters
- Self-propelled mowers and moving equipment with horizontal cutters with/without a seat
- Non self-propelled mowers and moving equipment with horizontal cutters
- Other electric powered mowers and moving equipment
- Self-propelled mowers and moving equipment with/without a seat
- Non self-propelled mowers and moving equipment
- Mowers and moving equipment with/without motor
- Hay mowers with horizontal cutters used with tractors
- Combine harvesters
- Thresher harvesters
- Potato diggers, harvesters
- Beet-topping machines, harvesters
- Ground nut-topping machines, harvesters
- Self-propelled forage harvesters
- Machinery and equipment sorting fruits and vegetables by weight and size
- Machinery and equipment used in egg cleaning and washing
- Construction machinery
GTIP NO 84.29 samples:
- Track laying bulldozers
- Track laying angledozers
- Non-track laying bulldozers
- Non-track laying angledozers
- Graders
- Levelers
- Scrapers
- Vibratory, rubber wheel roadrollers
- Non-vibratory, rubber wheel roadrollers
- Rubber wheel shovels, front-end shovel loaders for underground
- Non-rubber wheel shovels, front-end shovel loaders for underground
- Rubber wheel other front-end shovel loaders for underground
- Non-rubber wheel other front-end shovel loaders for underground
- Track laying front-end shovel loaders for other places
- Non-rubber wheel excavator front-end shovel loaders for other places
- Rubber wheel other front-end shovel loaders
- Non-rubber wheel other front-end shovel loaders
- Track laying excavators
- Other rubber wheel machinery and equipment with a 360° revolving superstructure
- Other non-rubber wheel machinery and equipment with a 360° revolving superstructure
- Beko loaders
- Other excavator shovel loaders
- Other mechanic shovels. Excavator and shovel loaders
- Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery and equipment
GTİP NO 84.28 samples:
- Electric lifts and skip hoists for civil aviation crafts
- Intended for humans
- Intended for cargos
- Lifts and skip hoists, others
- Lifts and skip hoists for civil aviation crafts
- Pneumatic elevators and conveyors for civil aviation crafts
- Pneumatic elevators and conveyors for use in agriculture
- Continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use
- Continuous-action bucket type elevators and conveyors
- Continuous-action belt type elevators and conveyors for civil aviation crafts
- Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors for civil aviation crafts
- Escalators and moving walkways
- Teleferics, chairlifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funiculars
- Loaders specially designed for use in agriculture
- Mill machinery. Product transport trays, rocker arms, etc.
- Other lifts, loaders and equipment of civil aviation crafts
- Mechanic loaders for bulk materials